Welcome to Chinatown Church of Christ

地址 Address: 220 E Ave 28, Los Angeles, CA 90031 (地圖 Map)
電話 Phone: (323) 225-4970

您也可以在我們的 Facebook頁面 上觀看我們的周日聚會。

You can also watch our Sunday services on our Facebook page.

聚會時間 Service Times

主日崇拜: 星期日 11:00am
查經禱告會: 星期三 7:00pm
敬拜讚美禱告會: 星期五 7:00pm — 網上聚會
Sunday service: Sundays 11:00am
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: Wednesdays 7:00pm
Praise & Worship and Prayer Meeting: Fridays 7:00pm — Online only

停車訊息 Parking Information

我們沒有自己的停車場。 如果您開車,請使用街邊停車位。
We do not have our own parking lot.  If you drive, please utilize street parking.

公共交通訊息 Transit Information

Metro L/金線輕型電車 (Metro L/Gold Line) – 請在 Lincoln/Cypress 或是 Heritage Square 站下車下車後需要步行12分鐘左右車費需用Metro TAP card 來付費 成人車費金額是$1.75.
83號巴士 – 在 Pasadena and Ave. 28 下車
252號巴士 – Griffin and Ave. 28 下車

Metro L/Gold Line – You can get off at Lincoln/Cypress or Heritage Square stations.  The walking distance is about the same and should take about 12 minutes but it is an uphill walk.  It’s easier to not get lost from Heritage Square, however.  Each one-way train fare is $1.75 with a Metro TAP card.
Metro bus 83 – bus stop at Pasadena and Ave. 28
Metro bus 252 – bus stop at Griffin and Ave. 28