葡萄園的工人 – 2021-04-18
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
by George Huang 黃建榮傳道 這是耶穌傳授的另一個關於天國的比喻。 根據馬太福音20:1-16中的葡萄園工人比喻,該講道著重於神的跟隨者的態度和救贖的概念。 耶穌在這個比喻中明確說明得救是有一個條件的。 這篇講道還回答了耶穌最奇怪的教導之一:“那在後的將要在前,在前的將要在後了。” This is another parable Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven. Based on the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16, this sermon focuses on the attitudes of the followers of God and the concept of salvation. Yes, there is a condition for … [Read more…]