防疫措施 COVID-19 Response

為了保護所有人,如果您與冠狀病毒患病住在一起, 身體不適, 或有以下任何症狀, 請不要參加本教堂禮拜:

  • 發燒或發冷
  • 咳嗽
  • 呼吸急促或呼吸困難

To protect everyone, please do not attend the church service if you live with someone who is sick with COVID-19, do not feel well, or have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever or chills
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Social Distancing

為了保護所有人免于冠狀病毒的傳播,請避免身體接觸, 並在可能的情況下保持至少六英尺的適當社交距離。

To protect everyone from the spreading of the coronavirus, please refrain from physical contact and keep the appropriate social distance of at least six feet when possible. 


Nose & Mouth Coverings Required

您需要口罩或遮蓋鼻子和嘴巴的遮蓋物才能參加我們的聚會。如果您沒有遮蓋物, 我們會提供面罩。教會工作人員和志工也將戴上臉罩。

A mask or covering over your nose and mouth is required for participating in our service.  If you do not have a covering, we will provide one. Church staff and volunteers will wear face shields also.


Should You Need Any Assistance…

如果您需要任何幫助或感覺不適, 請舉手, 我們的迎賓員將為您提供幫助。

If you need any assistance or do not feel well, please raise your hand and one of our ushers will assist you.